In what appears to be an unforeseen plot twist, Bam Bam has been evicted from the BBnaija house, shortly after the Saturday night party. earlier shared details of the fancy, cultural themed party organised for the Big Brother housemates to observe their usual Saturday night party. To keep the season really Double Wahala loaded, one of the housemates (HM) got unexpectedly evicted, leaving the other HMs and viewers in shock.
During the party, BBNaija host, Ebuka visited the contestants and took a tour around the house, getting acquainted with the personal space of all the housemates.
Viewers were left laughing over the drama Cee C was bringing on, only to be taken by surprise when Ebuka was given the list of the housemate with the least votes. This happened shortly after the party, making it the first time a housemate will be evicted on a Saturday as opposed to the usual Sunday.
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The host went on to announce that Bam Bam had the least votes and was immediately evicted from the BBNaija house.
It instantly sent all the housemates into shock mode with Teddy A breaking down in tears after hugging Bam bam goodbye.
The housemates and fans of Bam Bam are hoping it's another stunt by Big Brother as April Fool's day is hastily approaching.
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