5 October is Teachers' day in Nigeria. Are you or your child ready for it? If no, we’re here to help you! Here are sweet poems for teachers you can present to your teacher or your children's teacher! Choose the best one for you and learn it.
But do not forget, they are not just teachers’ day poems. Each of them is a simple poem on teacher which shows love, gratitude and more. So be sure to know at least one of them.
Special teacher poems
A Teacher Is..
Someone who is wise...
Who cares about the students and wears no disguise.
But is honest and open and shares from the heart.
Not just lessons from books, but life where you are.
A teacher takes time to help and tutor.
With english or math or on a computer.
It's (Teacher' name) who's patient, even in stress.
Who never gives less than the very best!
Not that I was the perfect student,
But you were the perfect teacher for me!
- Author Unknown
You Are My Teacher
I am happy that you are my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream to work and to reach.
With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed
you help me fulfill my potential;
I am thankful for all that you have done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you are number one!
Happy Teachers Day
- Author Unknown
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Why I went to the foot?
Was ever a maiden so worried?
I'll admit I am partial to Jim,
For Jimmie has promised to wed me
When I'm old enough to wed him.
But then I love teacher, too, dearly,
She's always so lovely to me,
And she's pretty and kind and sweet-tempered,
And gentle as gentle can be.
I wouldn't for worlds hurt Jim's feelings,
For he never would like me again-
But there was my dearest, sweet teacher,
And I'd die if my words gave her pain.
"Two plus two equals what?" was the problem.
And I knew teacher thought it made "four";
But Jimmie said "six," and maintained it
As long as he stood on the floor.
And I saw I must soon choose between them,
For I was the next in the line.
Should I side with my teacher or Jimmie?
What a sad situation was mine!
And just as my heart with that problem
Of friendship was so sorely vexed
I was called on to answer the other,
For teacher had said, sharply, "Next!"
It was then that the brilliant thought struck me,
That by compromise I could contrive
To hurt neither teacher nor Jimmie,
And that's how I came to say "five."
- Ellis Parker Butler
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Things our grown-up mind defies
Appear as giants in children's eyes.
A gentle touch upon her head
A simple word when kindly said.
Complete attention when she calls.
Her knowing you have given all.
Correcting in a loving way.
Instilling trust in what you say.
Making her believe unique
The tiny flaw upon her cheek.
Admiring old and faded dresses.
Reminding her we all make messes.
Words of comfort you've softly spoken
A promise you've made she knows won't be broken.
Your knowing her doll that was lost today
Is just as important as bills you can't pay.
Helping make her plans and schemes
Giving her hope and building her dreams.
All of this and so much more
Is in her mind forever stored.
They who touch her life awhile
Can either make or break that child.
Education is important, true,
But so much more, her faith in you.
You've weathered through the storm and strife;
You helped to build a small girl's life.
You're truly one to be admired.
For you gave more than was required.
- Pat McClain
Wonderful Teacher
With a special gift for learning
And with a heart that deeply cares,
You add a lot of love
To everything you share,
And even though
You mean a lot,
You'll never know how much,
For you helped
To change the world
Through every life you touched.
You sparked the creativity
In the students whom you taught,
And helped them strive for goals
That could not be bought,
You are such a special teacher
That no words can truly tell
However much you're valued
- Author Unknown
You are my special teacher
I just want you to know
I always had fun in your class
How the time has flown!
Thank you for helping me
To learn all that I know
I will always remember you
even when I'm grown!
I'll miss you being my teacher
I know the reason why
I am feeling very sad
Because it's time to say goodbye
- Author Unknown
Make a wish and give it wings
Dreams of bright and beautiful things
Dance through all the fun filled hours
Don't forget to smell the flowers
Share some love and birthday cake
All life joys are yours to take
And when evening comes to view
Thanks your lucky stars you're you
Happy Birthday
- Author Unknown
A brand new day is dawning
And as it gets its start,
I want you know I am thinking
Of you with warmth in my heart.
I hope your birthday is special
No one deserves it more than you!
You are such a kindhearted person,
It shows in everything that you do.
So, have a perfect morning
And an even lovelier day...
May happiness surround you
Always... not just for today!
- Author Unknown
Why God Made Teachers
When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.
When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What's right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.
Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.
- Kevin William Huff
So did you like any our poem on a teacher? If you have your own beautiful one, share it in comments with us using a note ‘my teacher poem’. We would love to read it!
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Source: dltk-kids.com, dgreetings.com
Source: Naija.ng