Have you ever heard of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN)? Today we will look into the history and functions of this very important organization. Do not miss this opportunity to learn about the evolution of dentistry in Nigeria!
Dentistry in Nigeria
Dental care has always been a big issue in Nigeria; the medical care sector is one of the weakest branches that exist in Nigeria. It is however, one that is showing promise of development.
The first doctors came to Nigeria in 1472. They were a Portuguese expedition group which provided the basics of medicine to the indigenous tribes of Nigeria. The first hospital in Nigeria was St. Thomas Island of Benin. The slave traders also came with their own doctors and surgeons to take care of slaves.
The earliest medical records show that the first doctors of the Medical Examining Board were Dutch. These Doctors went to Benin to treat local people. A lot of explorers who came to Nigeria were also medical doctors, examples are John Kirk, Schnister, David Livingstone, Mungo Park, etc.
The era of dental care in Nigeria started with the Medical Practitioners Disciplinary Board. These practitioners were stationed at the Colonial Department of Health. The names of the medical personnel were registered at the General Medical Council in England. This organization maintained the dental and medical care of Nigerians up until independence.
The Federal Parliament of the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act became a reality from 1963 and the Nigeria Medical Council was formed in 1964. In 1988, the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria succeeded the Nigerian Medical Council; its mandate and functions were also defined in the same year, which is the regulation of dentistry and medicine in Nigeria.
Let`s take a close look at the functions of the Nigeria Dental and Medical Council!
Medical and Dental Council in Nigeria
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As at today, the dental and medical care in Nigeria is regulated and subject to the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act Cap 221. According to the federation laws of Nigeria, the medical and Dental Care Council is provided with the following mandates:
- Control and regulation of Laboratory Medicine.
- The council determines skills and professionalism of medical specialists.
- It monitors Dental and Alternative Medicine in Nigeria.
- It provides and monitors training for Medicine, Dentistry and Alternative Medicine.
Top Functions of Medical and Dental Council in Nigeria
- It determines the standards of knowledge and skills for medical specialists in Nigeria! A person who seeks to become a medical specialist in Nigeria must meet these standards to acquire a medical permit!
- The MDCN secures and regulates law establishment and registration of medical doctors, members of medical councils, medical practitioners and alternative medicine practitioners. From time to time, it is expected to renew and publicize the list of licensed medical doctors and dentists.
- The MDCN is obligated to review and state code of conduct provided with desirable notions towards medical practitioners and specialists.
- It controls the practices of homeopathy and other functions of the alternative medicine;
- The MDCN Nigeria is also obligated to provide regulations for the clinical and laboratory operations in the field of Pathology. It includes medical virology, clinical chemistry, medical parasitology, immunology, chemical pathology, hematology, autopsy, histopathology and cytogenetics.
- The council provides necessary guidelines for teaching doctors in Nigeria. If a doctor wants to get a qualification from the medical council, he/she has to go through the necessary regulation to acquire the license.
- The MDCN Nigeria should also work with medical facilities all over Nigeria to maintain and promote medical regulations. It is expected to carry out inspections and ensure medical facilities are maintained according to the regulations of the Medical Council.
- The MDCN is also obligated to work with the Federal Government of Nigeria and local governments. It is expected to provide high-quality medical regulations in every government body and institution. The MDCN may provide reports and consultations to the federal government to help with government reforms in medicine.
- It is also responsible for improving the standard of medicine in the country according to international practices. For this reason, the MDCN is needed to cooperate with world medical organizations to provide the best quality standards and regulations to the medical personnel of Nigeria.
The MDCN Professional Discipline Unit Functions
This is one of the main units of MDCN Nigeria. It is charged with the responsibility of providing necessary regulations to control the functions of doctors and dentists. Therefore, it is saddled with the following responsibilities:
- Coordinating the discipline and activities of doctors in Nigeria.
- Coordinating all activities of the investigating panel (It is an autonomous regulatory body).
- It coordinates all activities provided to the Disciplinary Tribunal.
The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria is an organization that takes care of Nigerian lives, it is therefore necessary that the council be made up of responsible personnel who can ensure the best medical practices are carried out in Nigeria; they should also be people who can change the face of medical care in the country!
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Source: Naij.com
Thursday, 19 October 2017