You probably think about stretching before your
gym workout or after your run, but before sex?
Not likely. Yet having sex uses a lot of muscles
you don't normally use throughout the day.
Add these simple stretches into your everyday
routine to increase your flexibility and spice up
your sex life. The more flexible you are, the
more comfortable you will be trying a new
position, or avoiding cramps during sex. (Here's
a great yoga routine with weights to improve
your flexibility.) Hold each stretch for at least
30 seconds, and remember to breathe.
Standing Toe Touch
Reach your arms up, lift your shoulders, and
separate your ribs as much as you can. See
how long and tall you can make your body, and
then start to roll forward to reach toward your
toes. This stretches your hamstrings and
releases the lower back. Hold here and shake
your head "no" and "yes," circling the arms a
few times before slowly rolling back up to
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Knee Drops
Start on your back with your knees bent and
feet flat on the mat. Close your eyes to relax
your mind and body, then start to sway your
knees to the right, back to center, and over to
the left. This gentle movement releases your
lower back and helps clear away stress from
your day so you can unwind and get in the
mood for sex.
MORE: 4 Relaxing Exercises That Aren't Yoga
Still on your back, glue the soles of your feet
together and drop your knees out to the sides.
The closer you bring your heels into the midline
of your body, the more of a stretch you will feel
on the inner legs. You can keep arms at your
sides or reach them overhead for a bigger
stretch. (You should also try these 9 yoga
poses for better sex.)
Side Split
Lift your legs up to the ceiling and bring your
arms out in a "T" position. Gradually drop your
legs out to the sides in a side split stretch.
Make sure you aren't rocking side to side and
one leg isn't dropping further than the other.
Flex your feet back toward the body to feel a
greater stretch through your calves, feet, and
ankles. If you need more support for this
stretch, use a wall or perform it sitting up.