You often hear about the importance of
physical health, mental health and
spiritual health, but sexual health is
sometimes neglected. Being in good
sexual health allows for healthy
relationships, planned pregnancies and
disease prevention. That's why it's
essential to be well-informed about all
aspects of sexual health and what it
takes to have a fulfilling sex life. Don't
let embarrassment keep you from
raising concerns with your doctor about
your sexual health.
ALSO READ: It usually has no
symptoms and most sexually active
adults will get it at some point…
You deserve a fulfilling sex life, and you
should always seek help if any issues
arise. Sexual dissatisfaction, referred to
as sexual dysfunction, is a combination
of problems with desire, arousal,
orgasm and sexual pain disorders. Your
lifestyle may affect your sexual
function, especially with smoking, drugs
and alcohol.
As you age, your libido may decline as
a result of changes in your hormone
production. Stress, anxiety and
relationship problems can all affect
your sexual function. So too are other
illnesses, like depression for example or
previous negative sexual experiences.
Get prompt help if suffering from sexual
dysfunction. Talk to your gynaecologist,
or even your regular healthcare
provider. It may help to be
accompanied by your sexual partner.
You may end up getting a pelvic
examination done, and sometimes some
tests as well. Your specific treatment
will depend on what becomes apparent.
You might get a prescription for
hormonal treatment to help with vaginal
dryness for example. You may also be
referred to a sex therapist who will help
you deal with aspects of sexual
disorders relating to emotional, physical
and interpersonal aspects.
Your specific treatment will depend on
what becomes apparent. You might get
a prescription for hormonal treatment
to help with vaginal dryness for
example. You may also be referred to a
sex therapist who will help you deal
with aspects of sexual disorders
relating to emotional, physical and
interpersonal aspects.
Avoid contracting sexually transmitted
infections (STIs). Have only one sex
partner who doesn't have any STIs, and
who has sex only with you. If you are
not in an exclusive relationship, protect
yourself by being vigilant and using
condoms. If you suspect any infections,
get tested and treated promptly. Get
your partner tested and treated as well.
Incorporate your sexual health with
regular screening for gynaecological
problems. Be up-to-date with screening
tests for cervical and breast cancer. If
any unusual symptoms appear, get
them checked in good time. Anything
affecting on your general health will
have an impact on your sexual
Avoid unwanted or unplanned
pregnancies by using effective
contraception. The choice of
contraceptives is so wide that you will
certainly find a method that suits your
specific circumstances. Don't get
caught out thinking about terminating
an unwanted pregnancy, far too many
women have suffered grave sexual
dysfunction following unsafe abortions
in our part of the world.
Beware of your prevailing sexual health,
and take steps to get anything amiss
addressed. If your lifestyle needs
changing, please do so. Being
physically active, eating well and
cutting down on toxins like smoking and
alcohol may be all you need to do.
Work on your relationships as well.
Avoid risky sexual behaviour, and get
professional help if this becomes