How to calculate ovulation days should be done careful to get the best result.
The followings are some best methods you can learn and then you can choose one of them as your way that is suitable with your condition because everyone has the different body condition.
1 – Calculating The Fertile Days
Firstly, you can use the way in calculating the ovulation with calculating the fertile days. This way just can be done if you have the regular cycle .
If you don’t, this way is not suitable with you. Actually, this way is very easy. It depends on your menstrual cycle.
The way to calculate it is you should know at first about the long of your menstruation period. Generally, women get this cycles for about 28 until 30 days.
From this, you will know the fertile day in 14 days backwards. There are 3 until 5 days you can use. Use this ideal time because the sperm can live longer for about 5 days.
You also can use some apps that I listed
here to help you know about your ovulation cycle easier.
2 – Knowing Basal Body Temperature
The second way is you can calculate the ovulation with knowing the temperature of the basal body . Of course, to do this way, you should have the thermometer to be used to measure your temperature.
The basal temperature is when you just get up. If you find that your temperature is higher than usual, it means that you are in the ovulation period.
I suggest using this way if you don’t have the menstrual cycle regularly.
3 – Condition of the Cervical Mucus
The next way is looking at the condition of the cervical mucus . The characteristic of the fertile period is the mucus is
slippery. Your mucus will like the raw of the egg.
4 – Use Ovulation Kit
Then, you can use the ovulation kit. It is the simplest way. The rate of the accurate is 99% so it is a good way for you.
Those are some methods on how to calculate ovulation period you can do. Choose one of them based on your situation of the menstruation cycles.
I hope those will be helpful for you to get the pregnant fast. Generally, many women get the pregnant in 6 months by using the method of having sex in ovulation period.