Is it possible to speak languages you do not know? Scientists call this phenomenon glossolalia. It`s a scientific fact that people can speak languages unknown to them. However, how this mechanism works is unknown. People who believe in God think that it`s the divine language and want to learn how to speak in tongues. Let`s take a look at top 5 five facts about speaking in tongues and 5 simple steps to learn them!
Top 5 steps in how to start speaking tongues
1. No Distractions
You can`t learn how to speak in tongues if you do not have enough faith. It`s an essential part in speaking the divine language. Therefore, you shouldn`t get distracted while practising your faith or your ability to learn tongues. Try to use the same techniques you use when you pray – find a quiet place where you can`t be distracted. In this quiet place you can start practising what to do.
Do not think about the distractions or any issues you might have. Express yourself, believe in yourself and pray that our Lord and Savior will grant you this gift!
2. Try harder
Can a baby start to speak any language fluently from the first day? The answer is no! Many people falsely believe that our Savior bestows the gifts all at once. You can rely on God`s help, but he can't give this help to non-believers. Therefore, do not blame God if you don't speak in tongues fluently yet. Keep praying and keep trying. It`s a long process and success may not occur at once.
In the very beginning – you will not be very fluent. Most likely, you will keep repeating the same things over and over. But this is only the beginning of your long journey in faith!
3. Do not miss the hints
When you start your practice sessions, you will become more aware of the changed! You may start to hear repetitions of this speech when you pray. At the very beginning, it can be a good sign, because you start understanding how to speak in tongues.
When you pray, you will need to find internal and external signs that you are doing something right or wrong. Some simple visions or physical reactions can be signs that you are on the right path! You will also need to listen to your voice. How do you feel when you speak in tongues? Does it feel right? Search for signs when you pray! They will tell you what you need to know!
4. Increase your faith
You will need to pray harder if you want to achieve the gift. Sometimes practice is not enough to achieve the desired goal. God has already given you enough gifts to speak in tongues. But it does not mean that you can`t ask Him for help.
When you pray – ask God to increase your fate! Pray to the Savior to strengthen you! If you really deserve this, then God will increase your faith. You need to be a good Christian to receive this gift from our Lord!
5. Do not doubt
What is the main enemy to faith? It`s your doubt! If you overthink your prayers and let doubts into your soul, then do not expect to speak the divine language. Speaking in tongues requires complete faith. Non-believers and people who can`t understand how the faith works will have problem. Don`t you remember that speaking tongues was promised by Jesus? Just read Mark 16:17 again and you will believe it!
Holy Spirit will help you to speak in tongues. If you don`t believe it, then read the Bible again and especially Acts 2:4. According to 1 Corinthians 14:19, you will have hard times understanding what you're saying.
Top 5 facts about speaking in tongues
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The following are facts you should know before you start learning how to speak in tongues. You shouldn't be afraid of this gift!
1. Speaking in tongues – from God or Satan?
When you start receiving this gift - you might wonder: “Is it from the Devil?” If you have these doubts, then you should read Mark 16:17. In these verses, you can clearly see that this gift is from God. Also, it will also show you that by speaking in tongues, you will drive out demons. Do you think that Lord can give bad gifts to his children?
2. How to explain speaking tongues?
Dr. Andrew Newberg tried to conduct researches about this fascinating phenomenon. He and his team tried to study the nature of this language. To do this, he scanned the brains of people who could speak in tongues. In the conclusion to the study, Dr Andrew Newberg explained that the language or “tongue” is not fabricated. The brain scans showed that people who prayed and spoke tongues during the experiments did not have unusual brain activity.
This means that everything functioned normally while they prayed. The researches were unable to pinpoint the parts of the brain responsible for speaking in tongues.
3. How many people can receive this gift?
According to the Bible, one day everybody will learn how to speak the divine language. For now, only true believers can obtain this of gift. But this does not mean that ordinary people have lesser chances to receive the gift. Nobody can know what God plans!
4. How to understand speaking tongues?
Speaking tongues is something that you can`t understand at all. Not every gift can be fully understood by mere mortals. However, God can choose to provide the gift to understand the language. So, the answer is simple, to understand divine language – you need to pray!
5. What can you say when praying in tongues?
If you want to get an answer to this question, then read the Bible again especially parts like:
- 1 Corinthians 14:2;
- Acts 2:11;
- Acts 10:46;
- 1 Corinthians 14:4;
- Luke 11:13;
- 1 Corinthians 14:18.
There you will find how God can communicate with you!
What is Tongue?
It`s hard to explain this phenomenon scientifically. It certainly exists, and it can be researched. Still, these researches do not have clear results. However, there is proof that this phenomenon exists. Pray to God, and you will receive this gift!
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Wednesday, 30 August 2017