Pineapples are loved by so many people all over the world. Due to its excellent taste, it is very popular and is mostly eaten eaten fresh, canned and even dried. There is also a high demand for pineapple juice. Not many people know that apart from pineapple juice being a very delicious drink, it also comes with some important health benefits.
How to make pineapple juice?
To get the best pineapple juice, you need to select the best pineapples; some pineapples you will find in shelves of shops are not very matured yet and hence will not taste as good as they should, so be sure to pick one out carefully. You can tell a pineapple is ripe from how soft it becomes.
Fresh pineapple juice is an invaluable gift for the human body; it helps to remove toxins, restore the intestinal microflora and produces useful enzymes. However, you need to know how to prepare pineapple juice properly, so that it does not lose its healthy properties.
The pineapple juice recipe is very simple. You need to pick a ripe pineapple, peel it, cut the pulp of the fruit into small slices, put them in a juicer and extract the delicious juice.
As you know, fresh juice is best taken within 10 minutes after its preparation, before it starts losing its nutritional value. Therefore, you need to follow these recommendations to get the best from your juice.
- First of all, make sure the fruit is properly washed.
- During the day, do not consume more than half a liter of the drink.
- Drinking pineapple juice is recommended for half an hour before meals or after it. The main thing is to consume freshly squeezed juice almost immediately after preparation, in order to preserve all its benefits. This way there will be no doubt that your juice is safe and really useful!
If you want to make the juice even more healthy and a little bit cooler, add finely chopped carrots and a couple of ice cubes to the slices of pineapple. You will enjoy the unique taste of this drink, as well as some added health benefits.
It is always best to drink freshly squeezed pineapple juice; remember that is is a perishable product, which makes it better consumed almost immediately after preparation. The maximum shelf life of pineapple juice in the refrigerator is 24 hours. But it will lose some properties as mentioned before.
Pineapple drinks
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In addition to drinking pineapple juice in its pure form, it is possible to prepare useful cocktails from it. Pineapple drink is very tasty when combined with orange, apple and peach juices. Fans of spicy drinks will enjoy a cocktail with pineapple juice and carrots, or lemon, such mixes are also very easy to prepare. Simply make a juice from each the fruits and mix them in equal proportions; you can experiment with the ratio if you want.
What should you drink pineapple juice with?
Pineapple juice is perfectly combined with all other vegetable and fruit juices. This drink is suitable for making jelly, jams or cocktails that help to quench your thirst and refresh you perfectly.
Pineapple juice also goes well with fruits of semi-acidic varieties, herbs, nuts, cheeses, sour cream, yogurt and kefir.
What products should you not drink pineapple juice with?
Pineapple juice should not be drunk by people whose body systems don’t tolerate it. It is also best to not combine it with protein products of animal origin, legumes, porridges and starches.
Everyone has different microflora in them, therefore, the combination of pineapple juice with certain products can be okay for some people, but very bad for others.
Interesting fact
Besides the health benefits and wonderful taste of pineapple juice, it can also be useful for as a manpower solution. In Central America it is called a ‘natural aphrodisiac’. To increase the potency you should use pineapple, mango and kiwi juice to prepare a cocktail. Crush the fruit of the pineapple, add 2 mango and 1 kiwi fruit. Make a cocktail and drink it before a romantic date.
Now that you know how to make delicious pineapple juice, be sure to try one of the recipes today!
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Wednesday, 1 November 2017