About one year after a 9-year-old boy identified as Korede Francis was rescued after his father chained him, the boy who was adopted by the Ogun state first lady is now looking better.
Korede had been chained 'for always stealing' somewhere in his father's church, Celestial Church of Christ key of Joy Parish Ajiwo, Ajibawo in Ado-Odo Ota division 2 in Ogun state, before he was found.
After he was rescued by some NSCDC officers, Korede was adopted by the wife of Ogun state governor, Mrs Olufunsho Amosun.
One year later, a picture of Korede has surfaced online, and he is looking better and fresher than ever.
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See his before and after pictures below:
Korede Francis is looking way better than he did a year ago when he was rescued from the chains his father had put him under.
Nice one!
Meanwhile, watch this video to see when Nigerians think it's okay to leave an abusive relationship: